Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Cartoon Corner- Big Hero 6

Originally posted at the DL August 2015

So apparently the internet has decided there's this huge rivalry between this movie and Frozen.  Which uh sure you do that dudes.

I can kinda see it in a way though, mostly in that this film is, by Disney standards, very much the B movie by comparison.  Less push, less hype, less followup, and I strongly suspect less budget.  But being fucking Disney this is all relative and its still a huge movie obviously.  But it manifests in small ways actually watching the film.  That attention to detail and small plot points being layered into the film throughout isn't as strong, and consequently the movie itself just isn't quite as strong/compelling as Frozen.

So back to gushing about how awesome Disney's current run is.

Baymax is the sort of character we all wish we'd come up with first.  Front and center in the marketing, the movie, the soul of the story, and of COURSE he is c'mon now.  The little bit of synch up between the sort of character he is and the sorts of jokes he's in is a nice touch ('I am not fast.')

Hiro is handled well enough, if a bit standard.  But the real standout moments of the movie are actually him and Tadashi interacting.  Or in the case of the climax, him reacting TO Tadashi.  Unless the emotional climax was "I am detecting life signs."  I'm not entirely sure.

It hits the super hero movie notes well enough, with just enough action to space out the emotional bombs properly.  The application of SCIENCE was actually pretty nice for once.  Each character has an actual speciality, bound together by Hiro's ability to enhance existing specs into something practical (making his field moreso mechanical engineering than anything else, with some sides in programming).

The only real fault I'd hold against the movie in itself is a shockingly poor use of that supporting cast.  You've called your movie Big Hero 6, but um... aside from bodies and being a collective gaggle of 'friends', what do Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Fred, and GoGo atually accomplish in the movie?  Getting themselves in and then out of danger mostly?  It's not a deal breaker by ANY stretch but it's a definite disappointment.

It does however have the Best Stan Lee Cameo.

Grade- 8/10.

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