Saturday, May 6, 2017

Cartoon Corner- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 2)

Originally posted at the DL January 2016

A lot of this season feels like background noise to me.  There's a seeming reluctance to put the main characters in the same place too much, so they're having to juggle a lot of plotlines all at once to keep everyone in the loop as it were, and I think the show overall suffers for it.

It also has a lot of stuff that feels like it was there for homage or fanservice that I don't think will go much of anywhere.  Boba Fett, the Zillo Beast, so on.  Although at least one of the straight homage episodes was cute.  Seven Samurai in Star Wars?  The devil you say.

Weakest Episode- Weapon's Factory.  Ah good, teenage girls bickering.

Best Episode- The Mandalorian episodes are strong in general, and of them Voyage of Temptation stands out a bit for having a few moments that scratch fanboy itches.  "You won't shoot me Duchess, you can't give up your precious pacifism!  And you Jedi, you are weak before your love!!  AAHHH AHAHAHAHA*grk*" *IMPERIAL MARCH* "What?  He was going to blow up the ship."
But no, I think they just go a great job of implying just enough of a connection between Obi-Wan and Satine that we believe they might have become star crossed lovers, but instead chose the path of duty.  And that this decision does hurt them.  It's especially the sort of thing you can imagine of the younger Obi-Wan, and why I actually think of Ewan McGregor as definitive in the role rather than Alec Guiness.

Yeah. I honestly at one point watching this season put in a disc and got through half an episode before realizing crap, I'd watched this one and forgotten it.  I dunno what it is, since there's certainly a good episode or three here but... I dunno.

Rating- 6/10.

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