Thursday, May 18, 2017

Cartoon Corner- Teen Titans (Season 2)

Originally posted at the DL March 2016

Let's go ahead and knock this one out.

Weakest Episode- Every dog has his day.  Neat enough idea, but the off beat humor didn't quite hit the right wave length with me.  It indulges a bit in the "art shift to something creepily, grossly detailed to jolt audience" style (think Ren and Stimpy or Spongebob) and that's never been a real winner for me.  The role reversal at the end is cute at least.

Okay.  So while watching the first half of the two parter I was considering talking up the show's strengths for filler; like, the earlier Terra-centric episodes were... fine, and Terra is an interesting enough character, but I feel like the arc needed one more episode in there.  Preferably in the start of the season, like split her first episode over two parts with more camaraderie and maybe a tussle with Dr. Light or something in there.  This sort of storyline needs a certain baseline of normal, and they never quite get there for me.  Meanwhile, the filler episodes like Fractured or Winner Take All were just good superhero shenanigans.  Heck, I want to single out Winner Take All for actually taking the base premise of Robin and Cyborg being hypercompetitive jocks and butting heads over it and make it actually interesting.  It stands out compared to the first episode back in season 1.


Best Episode- Aftershock (Part II).  Oh holy crap where was this show hiding.  The opening scene with Terra is a big reason I wish there was another episode for her, because I think her visions lose a little bit by not actually being shots from earlier episodes.  Or if they were I totally forgot and uh oops.  But everything else?  Man, the first action sequence is like something out of Batman, except with full super powers.  It's this amazing contrast to the normal state of the show.  No bright colors, no jokes, no anime, these people are walking demigods, they have no weakness, they know your every move, you will never see them coming, and you have burned your the last shred of mercy from their souls.  You're right there with Terra when she flees in abject terror of the Titans.
And it just gets worse for her!  I think they walked an absolutely perfect line for Terra's scenes with Slade.  It's clear that this is a violation, that Slade manipulated her into giving up agency, into saying yes when she didn't mean it, when she even thought she did.  But they never sexualize it or smother it with the usual giant flashing "THIS IS A RAPE METAPHOR" signs.  It is what it is, and they trust you're smart enough to recognize it.
The fight between Beast Boy and Terra is just amazing.  They put so much thought into how these two very different sets of powers interact and how they can counter each other.  It's just a joy to watch.
The ending does feel a little contrived, but I'm willing to put it down to them being to quick in the last scene; her last attack against Slade didn't LOOK so strong that it'd go full supervolcano, but it is in line with the overall emotions of the fight so hey, minor animation let down.

I'm a little torn here at the end.  I'm finding i like the last episode even more as I'm writing about it, and the overall episode quality is definitely higher all around from the previous season.  But I'm not sure if I weight the end enough to put it the next grade above that or not.  Mmmm.  I dunno, I do feel like they got lucky and generate more emotion and payoff than they strictly earned.  We'll shoot a bit low on this one.

Rating- 7/10

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